Joe Martin

Profile Updated: June 5, 2009
Residing In: Abilene, TX USA
Spouse/Partner: Divorced
Occupation: Retired Musician
Children: 1 Son
20 Years old
William Thomas Martin( Billy)
Your nickname if you were known by one:

Little Joe


I Had to Move After My Soph. Year Moved to Hot springs Ark. Where Bill Clinton went to school.My Brother Pepper Martin,A cooper alumn 1964,And I had an album out in 1970.It didn,t do very good.) The Revolt of Emily Young. Check U tube.I had Brain surgery in 1993. plus a double Stroke. Have Been A wheel Chair for 16 years.

School Story:

I was In A group called The Living End. We played the computer dance. in 66. I admired Mr Glover. Boys Choir. I learned much from Him.I had Mrs. Meyers ,Miss Jones. I had a crush on J.lynn Proctor. Saw and had a longtalk with Her at the Cooper Reunion .88 We played their party.