Deceased Classmate: Ronnie Herrington
Date Deceased: 09-1973
Age at Death:
Cause of Death: Kidney failure
Classmate City:
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Survived By: Paula Stewart Herrington Evans
Ronnie and I grew up together from early childhood. We both attended Butterfield and Madison then CHS. He passed away in September of 1973. He was a good friend.
Thanks to Tom Neeb for providing this information.
Update received from Paula Evans on May 12, 2010 and correction made on this record:
I noticed that by Ronnie's survived by there was nothing there. I was his wife at that time. My name was Paula Stewart Herrington. He was a good man.I loved him then and I love him now.
One more thing about Ronnie. In 1970 while stationed in Chu Lai, Viet Nam I wrote to Ronnie complaining that the only cigarettes we could get were Salem or Kool. We both smoked back then and our brand of choice was Malboro. Anyway, a couple of weeks went by and a small package showed up. In the box was 1/2 pack of Malboro's and a short note saying that he was out of money at the time but I could have what he had left in his pocket. Like I said, he was a good friend.
Tom Neeb
One more thing about Ronnie. In 1970 while stationed in Chu Lai, Viet Nam I wrote to Ronnie complaining that the only cigarettes we could get were Salem or Kool. We both smoked back then and our brand of choice was Malboro. Anyway, a couple of weeks went by and a small package showed up. In the box was 1/2 pack of Malboro's and a short note saying that he was out of money at the time but I could have what he had left in his pocket.Like I said, he was a good friend.
Tom Neeb